From Den Hoorn with the Texelhopper!
Are you traveling with public transport to get to Den Hoorn, or another location on the south of the island of Texel, then the following will be of interest to you.
Do you want to travel to or from a bus stop where bus line 28 does not go to? Then you can reserve a Texelhopper mini bus. This bus will take you to and from all bus stops on the island.
Reserve a minibus:
You can reserve a Texelhopper mini bus, at least 30 minutes in advance. You can do this via the website, app or by phone.
Trip from Den Hoorn to station Den Helder:
Step 1. Call +31(0)222 784000 of go to to make a reservation with the Texelhopper small minubus. When making a reservation you will receive the time to get on. Please make you reservation one hour in advance.
Step 2. The Texelhopperbus will drop you of at the ferry. Enter the ferry. When arriving at the ferry port in Den Helder leave on the right side of the ferry. Hop on the Connexxion bus to go to the NS train station (free from Den Helder port).
Texelhopper: over 150 stops
Tijdens uw verblijf op Texel kunt u voor € 3,00 per rit per persoon altijd gebruik maken van de Texelhopper. De Texelhopper-busjes rijden dagelijks tussen 05.00 en 23.00 uur. Er zijn op het eiland meer dan 150 haltes. Waar u ook naar toe gaat, het kost altijd 3 euro p.p. voor een enkele reis.
Want to. make a reservation?
Make a reservation at least one hour in advance. Go to the website of call +31 (0)222 784000 (only from 05.00 till 22.00).
Travelling early? Make your reservation one day in advance.
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